Family, Friends
and Carers
Understanding your role when living with someone with OCD
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is often called a ‘family disorder,’ which regularly impacts individuals and those closest to them. Therefore, it is essential that no matter how severe the persons OCD, we want to reassure you that it is highly treatable.
So often hear stories of how challenging life can become for those supporting loved ones with OCD. Unfortunately, such exposure to OCD symptoms can adversely impact carers’ mental health in many cases. It’s no secret that OCD puts a strain on an individual’s relationships when in the grips of OCD. It can be a frustrating, exhausting, confusing, and overwhelming experience for everyone involved. It is likely that without the right help, carers and family members begin to quickly feel deskilled and unsure as to best support their loved one. This can, in turn, lead to feelings of frustration, helplessness, resentment, and anger for all parties involved.
Although times can be challenging, the likelihood of the person overcoming their OCD tendencies is much more likely with the necessary support from the people around them. It is essential to recognize that having OCD is no one’s fault. Many people want someone or something to blame, but the most important thing is to concentrate on the solution in the present moment. Remember that if a loved one opens up to you, it is essential not to judge. No matter how disturbing or shocking the person’s thoughts and fears are. It’s just their OCD fears and intrusive thoughts talking. Be supportive, accepting, and non-judgemental if this process unfolds. This is often the very first step in the person actively seeking treatment.
It can be challenging when children and young teens are experiencing symptoms. It’s natural for parents to want to make their child feel better, and reassurance can often seem the quickest and most effective way. However, this will only exasperate symptoms. Love, support, and kindness can all offer an excellent platform for young people and remind them that they are not alone.
Accessing support as a carer
OCD can be challenging for everyone involved, especially those caring for people with OCD. When caring for someone with symptoms, one of the most important things to do can be to learn about the condition to offer support in the best possible way. It is also essential to look after your mental health and ensure that you are not neglecting your emotional wellbeing.
For this reason, we offer expert family support for family members and carers of those with OCD. These sessions can be used to learn more about the condition, ways of supporting your loved one, or access your own expert support if you feel like you need it. If you think you would benefit from accessing your own carer session, please contact us today for professional help and support.
The Family, Friends and Carer's Powerpoint
This Powerpoint offers a comprehensive insight into both the basic and more complex workings of OCD, written in a straightforward and easy-to-understand way. This 97-page Powerpoint aims to help demystify what can seem like an incredibly complex and overwhelming disorder.
Other material includes explaining different treatment options, understanding and obtaining a diagnosis, and some hints, tips, and advice as to some ideas as to what you can do today to help the person experiencing symptoms. We have also included some vital information as to what benefits you may be able to access as a carer and some valuable numbers and points of contact that offer some support outside of specialist therapy.
Taking the first steps to access support can be overwhelming
Naturally, a person with OCD sometimes doesn’t want to admit to having the condition due to fears of being judged or misunderstood. As a result, there is still a certain misunderstanding about the disorder. Unfortunately, our clients often say that they fear for their jobs, reputation, or what others may think of them, making accessing therapy somewhat an overwhelming idea.
Everyone is different. Some people may require more time and make the journey to recovery at their own pace. Others may need that push and encouragement to take those first steps in accessing treatment. You likely know your loved one very well, so ask yourself, “what do you think would be the best approach to take with them?” We know this: unfortunately, OCD symptoms can become increasingly worse without accessing treatment. Anyone with OCD will likely need to seek support to learn the essential skills to manage their symptoms successfully.

Do you have a child with OCD?

We are highly experienced in successfully helping children of all ages manage their OCD symptoms. We have worked with children as young as five years old with successful results. Although the average onset of OCD is early adulthood, many children develop symptoms at a much younger age.
Having a child with OCD can put a lot of strain on relationships and the family dynamic as a whole. Whether you are looking for support for yourself or special treatment for your child, we are confident that we can help. Our bespoke children’s programs are the perfect balance between providing practical therapeutic tools to young people while remaining exciting and engaging.
To find out more, visit our treatment options page here, or get in touch to find out more.

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